субота, 16. фебруар 2013.


As most readers probably already know, HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. HIIT is often mentioned in the context of an effective loss of excess body fat and the vast majority of which he was tried for this purpose swears his effectiveness.And really, studies have supported the effectiveness of HIIT's. Indeed, HIIT has been declared effective in burning fat than traditional "regular" aerobic workout. HIIT is very easy to describe and understand. The concept is simple - a typical HIIT-in alternate short intervals of high intensity intervals with less intense active recovery. Intervals of high intensity should be at about 90% of maximal heart rate, and recovery intervals at about 50% maximum. Unlike traditional aerobic training (for example, 45-60 minutes on the treadmill at a steady pace), HIIT in addition to saving time (typically takes from 20-30 minutes depending on how well trained) provides long-term increase in basal metabolic rate after the workout. It has been proven that 24 minutes of HIIT after completing the basal metabolism is 5-10% higher than after aerobic training standard type. This means that the body long after such training consumes fat reserves even at rest. This effect is achieved due to the effect called EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption), which indicates an increased acceptance of oxygen in the recovery. What does this mean in practice? If you correctly perform HIIT, immediately upon completion of training you catch your breath, profuse sweating and feel a certain weakness in legs.
A further benefit that an athlete can get from HIIT is increased insulin sensitivity, therefore, such a training regime will help to prevent type 2 diabetes Related to the regulation of insulin secretion after a HIIT can expect reduced appetite, which is another aid you lose excess weight. It has been proved yet another beneficial effect of HIIT is, and that is to increase growth hormone (HGH), which contributes to fat-burning effect while preserving existing muscle tissue from catabolism. Since the concept of HIIT is, there are several components that can be changed.

Running (on the treadmill) at intervals

The first of these is the length of the high-intensity intervals. Shorter intervals of 15-30 seconds means more effort will result in higher secretion of growth hormone secretion and increased levels of fatty acids in the bloodstream. In this way, they become available for use in energy production. Intervals longer than 30 seconds, resulting in a large number of calories lost. These longer intervals deplete glycogen reserves, allowing the body to use fatty acids as an energy source. The duration of the recovery interval also affects the performance of a HIIT. It is part of the HIIT protocol in which we walk or run slowly (of course, if you do HIIT on the bar). If the recovery interval is longer, we can do more strenuous high-intensity interval that follows. This greater effort will again result in increased secretion of HGH. Also, the longer the recovery interval reduces the risk of overtraining. A shorter recovery resulting in an accumulation of lactate, glycogen depletion of reserves and higher EPOC effect. However, it also increases the risk that overtraining.

Example of HIIT workout

First, warm up for 2 minutes. The first part of the training HIIT interval with a long recovery. First sprint for 15 seconds, then gently run 45 seconds. Such way will release fatty acids into the bloodstream and increase the levels of HGH. To repeat 8 times. Along with the heat, the first part, then, is 10 minutes. In the second phase, by a 25-minute classic cardio on the treadmill, then brisk walking or jogging (personally I prefer walking). This will allow the active muscle recovery after a HIIT, and will help to burn fatty acids to a HIIT released into the bloodstream. The last stage is again HIIT, which will be more intense interval. This will cause a depletion of glycogen reserves and consequently greater EPOC effect and increased burning of fatty acids. Sprint intervals which lasts 1 minute, and recovery intervals (jogging) are also 1 minute. The duration of this phase is 10 minutes.

Tabata method
Not a single review of HIIT would not be complete without a reference to Tabata training method or workout. They call it even and supra-aerobic cardio because of its high intensity. Some who have had the opportunity to try, instead of a high-intensity cardio, considered more appropriate name for high-insanity cardio. Tabata is the most effective known method of HIIT's. It is also by far the most intense and shortest in duration (lasting 4 minutes). The creator of the method is dr. Izumi Tabata at the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo (in fact, the truth is that the Tabata just called to determine the effectiveness of the method, and the original idea came from the head coach of the Japanese national speed skating team, but somehow is still named by tabata method). The original Tabata protocol consisted of a 5-minute warm-up, 8 intervals of 20 seconds of maximum intensity followed by 10 seconds of rest and ends with a 2-minute "cooling-off". So, Tabata was originally worked with highly trained athletes who were in top condition. They worked eight intervals (or more!) On bicycles at speeds of 85 rpm, until they could no longer maintain the high intensity. To calculate your maximum HR (heart rate per minute), simply subtract 220 from the number of his years. So, anyone 30 years old has a max HR 190bpm. When you do this protocol as just described, you should HR was over 200bpm! It is very important that individuals who are less well trained not "jump" immediately Tabata, because it can be very dangerous and finish so that other rising from the floor (literally!). Instead, we need to enter the training gradually, with a longer duration, but much slower pace.

It is important to only use the cardio equipment (weights or any equipment to practice under load), because in this way can be gradually modulated intensity. The treadmill in this case is also not adequate because they can not stop quickly enough. Advisable to use a heart monitor that can determine the maximum HR during the workout. 1 minute after completion of the training should be recorded HR. It is so called. HR recovery. Beginner will start with the first two intervals, and when you notice that the reduced HR recovery, it will add one more interval training. The next time you cut, it will increase the resistance of the trainers, and little by little progress. Until it reaches 4 minutes, for example. 8 intervals of 20 seconds alternating with 10 seconds of rest. 4 minutes sounds very short and harmless, but if the protocol is executed properly (all-out!) could be the hardest four minutes you've ever experienced!

Finally, just to mention some disadvantages od HIIT workout
This workout can not be conducted on a daily basis. If performed too often, it increases the likelihood of overtraining, especially if the usual routine and we have strenuous leg workout. So, in the days when we feel more tired, to rest or do a classic low-intensity aerobic training. Furthermore, there are people who practice high-intensity just is not intended. These are individuals who are overweight, then people with respiratory problems, cardiovascular problems, etc.. As far as healthy people, if you're new to exercise, you'll gradually get used to the low-intensity exercise and persistence and continuity and to get a HIIT. We should not immediately rush to the high intensity, because the harmful effects can completely overpower the benefits of such workout. So, do you have a reasonable number of pounds, and at the same you are healthy and have a long enough continuity in training, try HIIT - chances are that you will be delighted with the results in a relatively short time. Of course, calorie restriction in diet and adequate supplementation is meant!

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