субота, 16. фебруар 2013.


"Abandon all hope you who enter here" - was written on the door of Dante's hell. And we do not want to introduce interested in hell, but rather in a world that could easily become a heaven but here on earth. This option is granted to all those who have already "stepped and tried the taste of the sun," will forever remain fans of this magical world that we call bodybuilding, fitness, or whatever you want. It is important that this opportunity to make my life more beautiful and better. The one that started it already knows. Those who have not yet started, let go, let them cross the threshold of the gym. Fortunately, it's that time when weight workout was a privilege born giants, and others were able to go to the football players. Maybe, but also reduce the bias related to bodybuilding and more people realize that the shape of the body is possible and that it does not happen just by using prohibited substances. The vast majority of visitors to the gym will never compete in the traditional sense of the word, but to himself. It is characteristic that one shining star gyms, such as for example. Shawn Ray, clearly formulated very essence: "If you can not become Mr. Olympia or Mr. Universe, you can be the best as long as you're capable of." That is the real challenge is always victory over himself. The Baron de Coubertin and the promotion of sports, and to popularize its grassroots founded the Olympic Games .Nowadays are very popular fitness products, many of these devices are used. There are those who would like to lose weight, others would like to get a hand on a few pounds overweight.

There are those who would like a little stronger, and there are those who want and feel good, go to a community, to belong somewhere. It is a very enjoyable pastime, still offers an experience of success and helps release the stress of everyday life. Exercise makes one more resilient, it is one of the options for health care. Body shaping is a process of learning and development continuously. Those who still doubt about comparisons to heaven, I can see for yourself! Type in a gym or at least exercise at home!

If you decide to look for a gym with enough courage to knock on the door, then we can still declare that you have made the biggest step on the path of development. In the first few minutes you will be confused, you will have the feeling that everyone's watching you. After this initial tension will cease and all will decisively deal with this apparatus, devices and adopt various theories of exercise. Maybe even too vigorously! In order to sports activity we chose was useful and appropriate to achieve the results we need to be informed. Otherwise, we may suffer a serious injury or overtrain, which will deprive us safe. Everyone is in their interest to beginners are happy or successful. Trainers, gym owners, fitness industry-all in the interest, not to mention the athletes. This article will help that.First we read the prejudices and misunderstandings regarding weight workout. We will respond to erroneous conclusions that are commonly heard!

It is not true that by exercising with weights can not lose weight!

We will not lose weight, if it is exercise schedule, and performance exercises, especially diet, inadequate. Proper weight training will allow us to shape the body parts, to the fullest extent where we want to lose weight, as long as it's at all possible. With various exercises we will be able to separate the individual parts of the body and its proportions "set" other body parts in order to achieve a smooth outer appearance.

It is not true that the people of bodybuilding will become "wider"!

Cross-section of muscle is smaller than fat reserves, but more mass, and so with the same body weight becomes thinner, stronger, our appearance becomes strained.

It is not true that the muscles become stiff!

Stretching is an integral part of any training program, and in this way the problem can be avoided. A lot of bodybuilders who compete have very relaxed muscles.

It is not true that the higher risk of injury!

It can easily be argued that exercising with weights safest sport. The right lessons still need to do exercise regularly, so the joints will be properly engaged in biotechnological natural angles, on the other hand lifting weights is not actually based on the explosive movements that are more dangerous. Injury solely caused by improper loading and inaccurate, improper performance.

It's not true that women of exercises with weights lose their femininity!

That is the one question the very subjective assessment, on the other hand are only those women at risk by accepting all conditions of extreme events such as the use of doping or excessive consumption of fat.

So before you begin any type of training, we must be clear our goals. We define them exactly, because the only way we can determine the methods and means have to be used.

Our ability to assess and determine what type of body we belong

Ektomorf: lean, thin bones, hardly thicker
Mezomorf: athletic, muscular, natural, easy to develop
Endomorph: boned, rounded, easy to gain weight

We need to take into account the sports history, when was the last time we dealt with it and have any kind of injury, whether the right heart and blood pressure? How many times we have been able, with his job and family, take the time to workout? When a break from everything, then we need to plan and choose the ideal exercise program. The above workout plan for beginners provide examples of appropriate place to start. Taking into account the rules of diversity goals and separate exercise to the needs of women and men.Very important to note that the most effective method if our weight training supplement to aerobic exercise training, after training with weights, or in the days of not training with weights. It can be jogging, or special stepper at the gym, exercise bike, rowing. Since there is no way to explain everything in detail and visual representation of this article, for beginners it is very important to help trainers and trainees advanced gym.

Our roadmap includes facts. Essential elements can be found in any serious professional book. The most important goal is for beginners to ensure that such a possibility in the event of a successful performance guaranteed to deliver maximum results and lead to the realization that every copy of the workout to train professionals is not the only way of development!

In the early days of the most important workouts to learn and understand. It must be learned exactly, because it was wrongly taught movements difficult to correct later. The desired action can only be expected to comply with the appropriate forms. We used weights properly selected in accordance with the recommended number of repetitions. At the beginning of the workout record your exact weight, your measurements, determine the percentage of body fat (which is a real indicator of development), because we know where we're going. This plan will run 6-12 weeks of workout, during one workout along with warming is max 60 min. Bear in mind that the recommended workout programs provide success only to the exact maximum performance. Following this direction in the gym!

After the die is cast and the first time you step into the gym, start exercising fundamental heating. It is very important and is an essential part of training. Never forget that! Thus we can avoid serious injury. Prepare the body to physical stress that will have to endure during training. Intelligent athlete will spend 10 minutes warming up. General warming means shorter time (5-10 min) before training perform aerobic exercises with exercise and stretches prudent move our limbs. Then slightly increase heart rate, blood circulation intensifies, the temperature of our muscles grow and become more flexible. Special section warming means that before each exercise make one or two series with a light weight. These exercises will start your joints, tendons, u and will help to find the ideal path weights. It must be taken seriously, because every athlete fears the most injury in the long term it can be removed from the gym! Control at the end of our measures and compare them with the initial measures. Book our successes and our failures honestly accept. Let's not forget that this is a continuous process of learning and development. One part of our body develops easier, others harder. We learn from mistakes!

Finally, here are some examples of the causes of failure

Improper sizing of weights

This error can easily result in injury, namely the momentum starts then our weight and the muscles, contrary to our objectives, at very low intensity. Nothing that runs on development. And the endpoint joints and tendons get burdensome. Additionally, we will be able to isolate certain parts of the body and stronger muscles will be involved in exercises that target the lower muscles, so it will fall further behind weaker than the other.

Failure to comply with the current time of rest between exercises

If we only talked during training, we will increase the risk of injury, because it cools the muscles, and because of the excess vacation time expose them to a lesser commitment.

Omission training

Incapable we organize our lives so that we are regular training sessions and to perform as directed.

Recommended exercise workout for women who want to shape the body


Squats 4x 10-15 reps 60 sec break
Elbow toe  3x 10-15 reps 30 sec break
Bench press on an incline bench 3x 10-15 reps 30 sec break
Pulling the chest on pulleys 3x 10-15 reps 30 sec break
Abdominal contractions 3x 20-30 reps 30 sec break
Lifting your feet on the bench 3x 15-20 reps 30 sec break
The leaves standing 3x 15-20 reps 30 sec break

Once a week doing aerobic workout our choice for 30 minutes.

Recommended workout program for men who want to shape and strengthen the body

Monday - Wednesday - Friday

Squats 4x 6-8 reps 60 sec break
Bench-press 4x 6-8 reps 60 sec break
Rowing in a forward bend 4x 6-8 reps 60 sec break
Thrust rod behind his head 4x 6-8 reps 60 sec break
Standing biceps 4x 6-8 reps 40 sec break
Lying triceps 4x 6-8 reps 40 sec break
The leaves standing 4x 15-20 reps 30 sec break
Abdominal contractions 4x 35-40 reps 30 sec break

No need for aerobic workout

.And what to say at the end? I wish much success to all, find your joy in physical workout and be brave like this bodybuilder who wrote the following lines:

Body shaping is my fixation.Every inch dip in the magical world that offers a compelling bodybuilding. That passion does not. A similar fire that constantly burns deep within myself, and when you step into the gym, more scorching.
~ Dorian Yates, MA. Olvmpia


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